Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I had fun?

           Single Awareness Day has arrived and almost gone in all it's glory. It has been spent spreading very much awareness of single peoples and announcing the follies of valentines day. If you want my full opinion on the ridiculousness that is this day read last year's post.

          Actually today was kind of fun. For pretty much the first time in my existence I got gifts for valentines! My roommates were determined to break through my cynicism and bitterness and as was my hall leader Reagan, and so I got gifts!!! Hurray! Michelle Wingreen gave me a whole cup of stuff. It somewhat lessened the dark cloud that typically surrounds this time of year. And this evening the Northern Lights (Northland's smaller choir) gave a performance of classic love songs in our on campus coffee shop. So dare I say it...I actually had...fun! Hope you had a happy love day!!!

And now a tune you can add to your valentines playlist!


  1. Yay for getting gifts :)
    My valentine's wasn't at all what it was cracked up to be, but I do hope that you enjoyed yours!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I knew you would have fun today!!! Love you! =)

  3. Sounds like a Valentines Day filled with awesome people! That is the best! :)

  4. i'm glad you got gifts and had fun on valentines day :)


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