Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Year in the Life of a Leah

           Well my poor, neglected blog, you're probably wondering where I've been or if I was ever coming back. I promise you have never been forgotten, but always in the back of mind, but low on my priorities after school, traveling, studying, hanging out with friends, and wasting time (emphasis on the latter). Unfortunately your owner is a notorious procrastinator, and when she did have time to blog, she would often find herself on facebook, or pinterest, or youtube, or spotify....or pinterest....Anyways, I'm back! And I have a strategy in mind in order to juggle life, procrastination and blogging more effectively. More on that later though, right now I want to give you a little insight into my year (with and assortment of random pictures of things you missed). This year I:

  1. Managed to get a challenging but completely fun summer job at Shepherds Ministries

  1. Got plugged in with a whole new wonderful group of brothers and sisters I never knew I had

3.  Embarked on the hardest and best trip of my life, by God's grace

4. Began a whole new semester at Northlands International University

5. Became a room leader and gained two new wonderful roommates

6. Tried and failed Greek 101

7. Learned running the race doesn't guarantee the course will run smoothly 

8. Was totally blessed and challenged by the Body of Christ

9. Discovered that my dependance on caffeine has gotten out of control (maybe)

10. Found self sufficiency is a poor man's walk (eventually you let yourself down; God never will)

11. Discovered and listened to wonderful new music

12. Said goodbye to good friends and hello to new ones

13. Experienced God's amazing provision through His people

14. Found I love my family in new ways and for new reasons

15. Went to new places and met new people

15. Learned that trusting God is better than running my own life  

         So that's pretty much been my year. God has taught me much, I have grown inches (always figuratively!), fallen often, experienced more, loved better, and hated worse, but I am not who I was before and that is always good! The Christian walk is often a frustrating but wonderful paradox, one that brings me closer to Him and to His character.

          Now back to my blogging plans for this year. I am making it a priority to give my blog some much needed attention. It's something I love to do, and I love making connections with people everywhere in day to day interactions and online! That's what we're here for right? So this is my proposal; I will post at least 3 times a week. Music Mondays will be exactly that; a sharing of all my music favs (especially since I don't have a playlist anymore). I love finding new music and I'm assuming that my followers are the same. Wednesdays will be a sharing of the various things that I find ridiculous (still one of my favourite words), both funny and serious (you know those things that you can either laugh or cry over so you may as well laugh!), and Fridays I want to give a little insight into my summer trip (and yes I will reveal where I went!). In between these three days will be days in which I consider myself free to post whatever tickles my fancy or not at all. This way I don't have to think of something to post, and then just decide to go on pinterest instead when I can't think of anything! So I hope you approve of this, and here's to a year of more consistent blogging!!   

          Thanks for being faithful even when I'm not!


  1. So good to hear you and your perspectives again, Leah! I've definiteliy missed your posts and will look forward to them.

  2. Welcome back, Leah! It was so fun to see you are back to blogging. I love what you have planned and will be looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. :)

  3. Huzzah! And yay for music monday :) FAVORITE!


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