Hello blog world!!! It's been a while! I've been wanting to post about this music video for about a month now, however, literally every week since I've seen it something has prevented me from posting. From wireless break downs, to moving into the dorms (yes I'm back at Northland), to late night meetings, it's been a whirl wind!
Anyway, this video was just something I had to post about. If you haven't seen it get ready, because the first time I saw it, I laughed so hard I cried. Hopeless Wanderer is probably my favourite track from Mumford & Sons new album Babel, but now I can't hear the song without picturing the antics of Jason Sudeikis, Hason Bateman, Ed Helms and Will Forte! Thanks Mumford & Sons for not taking yourselves that seriously!!
As a side note, this video reminds me of another serious song put to a hilarious music video. Now when I listen to this song I can't help but do the actions! Because I'm feeling benevolent I've decided to post this one too! Hope you survived your Monday!
BOTH of these always remind me of you ;)